We are looking for innovative project ideas that will reduce carbon emissions and help your school and your community celebrate climate solutions, prepare for problems caused by climate change, interact with decision-makers and/or take full advantage of the career opportunities the climate resilient future holds.

The Watch Kit, Writers Corner and Teach, Learn, Act provide background and activities for students and educators to study climate science and explore solutions and safeguards. We will also provide links and blog stories to inspire the creation of your climate project here.

NWF’s Eco-Schools USA provides steps and examples to help you plan a project that involves educators, students, administrators and parents (the whole school community) in lowering your school’s carbon footprint and making your community more resilient to the effects of climate change.

Colleges and universities are taking climate change and sustainability seriously. Climate Classroom provides links to campus case studies that will get you thinking about developing similar projects at your school.

case studies and school projects