• Define: Evidence | Mental Model | Distinction | Systems | Relationship | Perspective
    Ask students to define these terms in their science notebook. Then ask them to discuss the definitions in pairs or small groups. As a whole class, come to a consensus and define each term on a separate chart paper post-it. Post each term in the room. Changes can be made as thinking and understanding of the terms change.
  • Watch in class -DSRP-Four Simple Rules of Systems Thinking, 11:55 –, then consider revising terms in number one. See Teacher’s Notes for more background.
  • Based on their current mental models, have
    students complete Worksheet 1. Climate Reality – Impacts.
  • Have students answer questions in science notebook (Students need to generate their own opinions/responses), then pair up and discuss. Next have a whole class discussion.
    1. Do you think your actions impact our environment?
    2. Do you think your actions impact the climate system?
    3. How do you know what to believe is true or false?
    4. When determining an argument’s validity, how do you determine whether or not a
      source is credible?
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